Remember "I Love the 80s," "I Love the 90s" and all that?

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Crazy Foam

We were discussing Mr. Bubble turning 50 and it made me think of Crazy Foam! Only I couldn't remember what it was called until Carole on our Facebook site remembered!

These were those straight cans of spray bath foam with plastic heads--superheroes, clowns, etc--on the top. The foam squirted out their mouths, or, as Carole said "nothing like having Batman puke in your tub."

Plaid Stallions found an ad for it and it was only 88 cents a can! I wouldn't think anyone would buy Robin but the Plaid Stallion poster says he got that one, and actually wanted it. I also love the anonymous comment on that post: "Back on one of those late 70's Christmas mornings, my older brother shot some Superman Crazy Foam into my mouth. Needless to say, we're not very close these days."

Not all of the heroes barfed up the foam. Another Plaid Stallions post shows that Spidey actually hucked it out his nose.

Check out this vintage commercial for it. I think the kid squirting out pretty much the whole can of Smurf foam is pretty accurate. As another commentor notes, that'd be $2-$3 per bath.