Remember "I Love the 80s," "I Love the 90s" and all that?

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Lemon twist

I don't even remember if we knew that Lemon Twist was the official name of the thing (scroll down in this link for more). It was uber-simple--a yellow plastic lemon on a cord that ended in a loop you could wear around your foot.

You stepped into the loop and swung the lemon around and under your foot, hopping like a maniac to jump over the lemon and avoid having it slam into your ankle. That was...pretty much it. I'm not even sure why it was a lemon. Why not a lime, or an apple, or a rock? Why a fruit at all? But for a short time in the 1970s, Lemon Twist was the hot playground accessory.

I never heard of this competing version, Skip It, but its main selling point seems to be the counter that tells you how many times you've swooped it. Not sure why this would be of interest. And a 1960s version, the Jingle Jump, apparently inspired its own record.

Did you have a Lemon Twist, or a competitor? (Was it a girls-only thing? It was at my school.) Do you remember it fondly?