Remember when suddenly eating potato skins no longer seemed like something a goat does? And TGI Friday's started serving them, hot and crisp and heaped with calorie-laden toppings, and suddenly people were ordering them before their meal and totally chowing down and then just pushing their main course around their plates?
And then Keebler made Tato Skin chips, and they were kinda oval shaped and much firmer than regular potato chips and had that kind of dusty topping powder on them? And one side was darker than the other, like it was the skin side? And they were totally addictive and delicious in addition to being terrible for you?
Well, Tato Skins vanished for a while and then I started seeing TGI Friday's own brand in stores. And then the other day I spotted the one in my photo here. So are they back? Did they never leave? Is this a different Tato Skin? It doesn't say Keebler, but it's definitely not the TGIF brand either. Wikipedia only recognizes the TGIF brand.
But I did not buy them, and so now, the world may never know.
Here's an old Keebler Tato Skins commercial from the 1980s. I love how two of the comment-leavers are practically coming to blows over what year it came out. "1984, DAMMIT!" "No, fool! 1988!" This is America, we fight only about the most vital issues!
Please leave any comments on Tato Skins, TGIF, or other even vaguely related issues in the comments. We love comments! Have your say!